Spring is here. I am ordering Herb Seeds and plotting Flowers. I am planting Milkweed for the Monarch Butterflies this year. I am getting that Happy Green Feeling in spite of the cold outside.
I have learned you can make that boggy place in your yard a thing of beauty and help clean and conserve water by planting a Rain Garden.
Once planted, such a garden is maintained with little to no effort. And that is good news. Gardening can be hard work.
The woman in the photograph below is teaching a class in Rain Gardens and you can see the perfect sort of location. Find out all the particulars at this link.
The woman in the photograph below is teaching a class in Rain Gardens and you can see the perfect sort of location. Find out all the particulars at this link.
"To select a location for a rain garden, begin by observing your yard during a good rainfall. Notice where water is flowing. Rain gardens should ideally be located between the source of runoff (roofs and driveways) and the runoff destination (drains, streams, low spots, etc.)."
The photograph on the right is a rain garden in Philadelphia, designed by Edgar David.
"Rainwater that flows from the house roof to the stone cistern is used to irrigate an intimate collection of woodland plants."
The Philadelphia Water Department has some excellent information about making Rain Gardens. The PWD also has a rain barrel program for those of us who do not have a boggy spot and still want to utilize and help manage rain water runoff. And now it is time for a Spring song by The Velvet Fog.