
Sunday, June 7, 2015

I Love the Library of Congress WPA Posters

I cannot stop looking through them.

Support artists in the community. They make our lives better in uncountable ways. And if we support them in their work, artists may find ways of transforming our culture and person not yet clear to those of us engaged in more mundane and lucrative occupations. Van Gogh never sold a single painting and even so he transformed our way of seeing forever.
If you click on each poster, you will see who created the poster and other interesting details. You can purchase prints of these posters or download them. Many of them have no restrictions on duplication.

"On March 6 in 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs an executive order creating the Works Progress Administration (WPA). The WPA was just one of many Great Depression relief programs created under the auspices of the Emergency Relief Appropriations Act, which Roosevelt had signed the month before. The WPA, the Public Works Administration (PWA) and other federal assistance programs put unemployed Americans to work in return for temporary financial assistance. Out of the 10 million jobless men in the United States in 1935, 3 million were helped by WPA jobs alone.
While FDR believed in the elementary principles of justice and fairness, he also expressed disdain for doling out welfare to otherwise able workers. So, in return for monetary aid, WPA workers built highways, schools, hospitals, airports and playgrounds. They restored theaters--such as the Dock Street Theater in Charleston, S.C.--and built the ski lodge at Oregon's Mt. Hood. The WPA also put actors, writers and other creative arts professionals back to work by sponsoring federally funded plays, art projects, such as murals on public buildings, and literary publications. FDR safeguarded private enterprise from competition with WPA projects by including a provision in the act that placed wage and price controls on federally funded products or services."

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